What is Timeless Wisdom?
The mission of Timeless Wisdom is to present the liberating heart of nondual wisdom in forms that are accessible globally. Our function is to share and teach-others-to-share unconditioned awareness, thereby bringing the “ultimate medicine” of nondual freedom to increasing numbers of people throughout the world.
The value of abiding in nondual awareness is inestimable. When consciousness rests in the nondual state nothing is missing; nothing or no one can threaten the imperturbability of awareness itself.
To rest and live in this space is the ultimate medicine because nothing needs to change, or remain the same. We are totally engaged—inseparable—from all that is, and unconditionally complete at the same time.
Abiding awareness is the most precious resource available to every human being and for humanity at large; especially as we negotiate our way through this critical phase of human history. There’s no question that the most efficient way to demand less from our delicate environment is to discover the space of authentic self-sufficiency,