Buddha at the Gas Pump interview with Peter An interview in 2015 between Peter Fenner and Rick Archer of Buddha at the Gas Pump discussing a range of..
“If I had the time, I’d be like the Buddha!” One of the common things I hear from people when I’m running a workshop is that, “This space is great,..
The ultimate goal of all striving Buddhism captured my attention over 40 years ago when I was a university student. The idea that our needs and..
Unconditioned awareness or nonduality – Video Peter Fenner interviewed at Conscious TV Download the PDF transcription of this dialogue
Natural Awakening–the Guide Book In 2014, I decided to make the Manual I had prepared to accompany the Natural Awakening Training available to the..
The Presencing of Co-emergent Wisdom The Progressive Presencing of Co-emergent Wisdom [1] Peter Fenner, Ph.D. Copyright © Peter Fenner, 2011 Introduction In this article I’d like..
Will this practice make me happier? A question that is very often posed to me is, “How will doing your practice change me?” “Will I be..
Listening and speaking from no-mind PART l Peter Fenner, Ph.D. Founder and Director of Education, Center for Timeless Wisdom, Palo Alto, California The final aim..
Nonduality and therapy: awakening the unconditioned mind From the Sacred Mirror, Paragon Press, 2003 NONDUALITY AND THERAPY: AWAKENING THE UNCONDITIONED MIND In order to arrive at what..